Welcome! My name is Kenia Segundo and I am the creator of Love and Redeemed. I first want to say thank you for visiting this site.
What’s this all about
My goal in creating this site was to just talk about God and all the twist and turns that life will throw our way and how to handle it all as graciously as possible! I know personally when life gets going it’s not easy to remember WWJD phrases and actually do them. I wanted to create a go-to space, where topics can be pulled up after that heated argument, or a full-blown toddler tantrum or in those moments of our truest uncontrolled emotions that inevitably happen. My hope is that I can help guide whatever emotion you’re feeling even if it’s ugly, back to Christ and better handle those situations in a more practical and biblical way. And if you’re anything like me, this level of self-control requires patience and practice. Lots of practice. Apostle Peter tells us that “For this very reason, make every effort to supplement your faith with virtue, and virtue with knowledge, and knowledge with self-control, and self-control with steadfastness, and steadfastness with godliness, and godliness with brotherly affection, and brotherly affection with love…. for if you practice these qualities, you will never fall,” 2Peter 1:5-7,10. Pretty bold statement at the end there if you ask me. But if you’re here and still reading this, I know you’ve seen and tasted what God has offered you. So, I’m so beyond excited and privileged that you are here and prioritizing Christ!

Just a little background on me
I grew up in Christian Evangelical household with two other siblings and loving parents. And like most families, I was the black sheep in the mine. I did and tried a little of everything this world had to offer, especially for girl that grew up in a strict household.
It wasn’t until I was twenty-eight years old that I MET Christ. I knew of Him, but I didn’t truly know Him.
During a short period Christ, of course in His abounding grace and mercy, put me through the ringer for a few days, to experience what life would be without his total protection, (a sensation that I wouldn’t desire on anyone). A sensation of feeling lost and afraid. I was anxious for days and didn’t understand why.
I thought that I was happy because on the outside, I had a good job, some money in the bank, a hot boyfriend (who would later turn out to be my now husband) and all the other vain things life tricks you into thinking will bring you happiness. I realized that I had everything on the outside but without Jesus, I had nothing overall.
Right there and then, under the immense feeling of total abandonment and consuming fear, I cried out and gave my life to Jesus, and I have never, NEVER regretted it.
Christ gave me a whole new outlook on life, a purpose, a hunger for His word, total and complete satisfaction that the world never gave me.
The hope
My deepest prayer for you is to reach THAT moment for yourself. The moment where you get to “taste and see that the Lord is good and that all of those who take refuge in Him are blessed.” Psalm 34:8
Many blessings my friends.